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What is a Valid Job Offer for Express Entry?

You can get more Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points for Arranged Employment through the Express Entry system for immigration to Canada if you have a legitimate work offer from a Canadian employer.  Not all job proposals qualify you for Arranged Employment points, so it’s not enough to have a Canadian company interested in hiring you.  Any job offer made through Express Entry must meet several  requirements to receive the additional CRS points.

Only specific employment scenarios are genuinely eligible for the extra Express Entry CRS points linked to a Job Offer.  Your NOC code and the kind of employment circumstance you are in are the two key criteria that determine whether your Canadian job offer qualifies for Express Entry.

The following work scenarios are recognized as acceptable job offers for Express Entry:

  • An Express Entry-acceptable job offer that is supported by a work visa that is the result of an LMIA.
  • As long as you apply for PR while the LMIA is still in effect, a dual intent employment offer is acceptable for Express Entry even if the work permit has not yet been issued.
  • As long as you are employed by the employer listed on the work permit and have been there for at least a year, a work permit that is employer-specific and was not based on an LMIA is an acceptable employment offer for Express Entry.

How does my NOC code affect the points for arranged employment?

You will receive 200 Express Entry CRS points for Arranged employment if the NOC code for your eligible employment circumstance is 00.  If your qualifying employment circumstance falls under one of the other NOC codes, such as Teer 0, 1, 2, or 3, you are eligible to receive 50 Express Entry CRS points for Arranged Employment.

The only positions that qualify for 200 CRS points for arranged employment are Senior Management Positions, it is vital to highlight.  Senior management oversees divisions that are run by middle managers and often have positions like vice president or CEO.  If you hold a managerial position but it is not Senior Management, you will be awarded 50 CRS points for the NOC 0 position.

What Should I Write in the “Do You Have a Job Offer in Canada?” Express Entry Question?

This is one of those complex details for which Express Entry is renowned.  It is still a good idea to respond “Yes” when Express Entry asks if you have a job offer in Canada if your employment situation falls outside of the categories above that qualify you for the additional points for arranged employment.  This is because a lot of Provinces use this question as a criterion to decide whether or not to extend a Notification of Interest to you.  You have a better probability of getting an NOI if you are employed in that province and state somewhere in your profile that you are interested in relocating there.

To prevent receiving extra points for Arranged Employment in your Express Entry profile, carefully answer the remaining questions in that portion of your profile.  Answering NO to the inquiry about whether the employer is listed on your work permit is appropriate if you have an open work permit, for instance.  Determine who is genuinely eligible for the points awarded by the Arranged Employment Comprehensive Ranking System and who is not by using the extra questions.

What do I need to show as proof of pre-arranged employment for Express Entry?

Evidence of Arranged job comprises a Job Offer with detailed specifics and papers demonstrating your job situation – you must include these with your Express Entry support documents to establish that you deserve the Arranged Employment points you have been awarded.

The Job Offer letter for Express Entry

IRCC demands particular criteria in a job offer letter for Express Entry. The Canadian employer must issue a letter in the format indicated below:

Include the following information in the letter, which should be printed on corporate letterhead:

  • Contact information for the applicant’s company (address, phone number, email address)
  • Firm contact’s name, title, and signature
  • The position’s anticipated start date
  • A statement that the role is continuous, full-time, and non-seasonal, and that the job offer is for at least one year following the employee’s permanent residency
  • Job title and responsibilities
  • Number of hours worked each week
  • Salary plus benefits on an annual basis
  • Both the employer and the applicant (employee) must sign.

Employment Records for Express Entry vs. Arranged Employment

If you are eligible for Arranged Employment points for Express Entry through your existing employment, you will need two separate letters from your present employer – a job offer letter and a reference letter. The primary distinction is that the job offer letter describes what will occur, whereas the reference letter describes what has actually occurred.

A simple reference letter can include, “Please be advised that this applicant has been working (or did work) for our company in this position, during this period of time, doing these duties, on a full-time basis, and was paid this amount.” It is solely signed by the employer and serves as a record of what has occurred.


Bright Path Immigration & Recruitment Services is a professional firm specializing in Canadian immigration & recruitment services.



+1 (403) 402-0985